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Clinical Data

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“87.5% of clients achieve clinically significant gains following residential rehabilitation with Remedy Healthcare”


The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) 


How should we measure the outcome of a rehabilitation programme? What should we be aiming to achieve and how do we justify the cost of rehabilitation to reach these outcomes? Many agree that this is simpler than it sounds: rehabilitation should seek to enable clients to achieve the outcomes that are important to them, ie. the whole process should be ‘client focussed’ and individualised.


The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) is a validated tool that is widely used in specialist, inter-disciplinary rehabilitation. It is an individualised, client-centred outcome measure designed for use by Occupational Therapists (OT) to detect change in a client's self-perception of functional and occupational performance over time. It is designed for use with clients with a variety of disabilities and was designed with the belief that the individual is a fundamental component to the rehabilitation process. It is carried out as a semi-structured interview and scored by an OT; it also aids with goal setting. Changes in scores between assessment and reassessment (in terms of Performance and Satisfaction for each of the goals set) are the most meaningful scores derived from this assessment. An increase of more than 2.0 represents a significant level of change towards the achievement of an individual’s personal goals.


All patients undergoing a high intensity residential rehabilitation with Remedy will have their individualised programme based on their own personal goals, using the COPM structure. The chart below details scores from 32 consecutive patients undergoing a residential rehabilitation programme. It shows that 87.5% of clients are able to achieve significant gains over an average interval of just 20 days – ie. when reporting on their own assessment of performance and satisfaction across a range of tasks, the vast majority of clients report a clinically significant improvement.


Thus, Remedy Healthcare’s high intensity, residential specialist rehabilitation programmes deliver successful outcomes, as evidenced by formal, validated outcome measurement.





















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